I am testing a website in IE 11 on Windows 7. The web page lets users click a control that invokes a file picker dialog box. I can automate everything up to interacting with the file open dialog box. I have tried mapping it, typing in it but none of those actions appear to have an affect on it. I just opens, I cannot seem to type a filename into it and click Open. Please advise.
Hien Nguyen
almost 8 years ago
You need to capture file path as textbox so that you can enter into file path textbox. We can sort this out in support ticket.
Matt Michaelsen
I am testing a website in IE 11 on Windows 7. The web page lets users click a control that invokes a file picker dialog box. I can automate everything up to interacting with the file open dialog box. I have tried mapping it, typing in it but none of those actions appear to have an affect on it. I just opens, I cannot seem to type a filename into it and click Open. Please advise.