User Case

While running a test module,  a certain error occurs and you want to continue executing the next action. That is possible with Test Architect.


Let's follow the simple example for more details.


1. Requirement:

Running whole test lines in the test module.


2. Verify point:

There are 2 errors and 2 passed points are displayed in the result.


3. Test script:



We can stop it in 2 ways: manually and by automation 


Ø Manually:

· There is an error during the execution test script; we see the “Automation Problem” dialog is shown. 


· Click on the “Continue” button, and the execution is continued to run to the next test items. The result is displayed as below:

 Note: If you want to stop at the error point, you will choose the “Stop” button. The execution stops and the result show.


Ø Automation:

· In the test module, you use “setting” action to "set notice level” with val “0” in the “Initial” part.



· Execute to test script.

· After execution is completed, we verify there are 2 errors and 2 passed point in the result.