Explores how constants, variables, and operations are combined to form expressions that can be included in your tests. Through careful use of variables and expressions, your tests can be flexible, modular, powerful, and compact.

What you will learn:

  • How variables are used to store different types of data
  • How expressions are formed from numeric and string operations
  • How variables, by acting as placeholders for actual values, lend reusability to expressions and actions
  • How data can be converted from one type to another
  • How wildcards can be used to add flexibility to searches and comparisons


  • Basic understanding of the TestArchitect user interface
  • Familiarity with the TestArchitect test editor
  • Essential understanding of TestArchitect repositories, projects, and tests
  • Basic understanding of basic computer programming concepts

Audience: Testers, Automation engineers

Duration: 2 hours

  1. Understanding variables and expressions
    Action arguments can contain variables (symbols that hold actual values) or expressions, involving operations on variables and constants.

  2. Using string expressions

    Use the concatenation operation to manipulate text in action arguments.

  3. Working with string variables

    You can use variables to store text strings, which can be used in place of string constants in your cell expressions.

  4. Performing numeric operations

    Write numeric operations, such as addition and division, in your action arguments. Such operations can operate on both numeric constants and variables.

  5. Mixing types

    Text and numeric data types can be combined in cell expressions.

  6. Working with mixed types

    Combine numeric and string operations in single expressions, operating on both numeric and text values.

  7. Using variables in mixed expressions

    Use numeric and string variables, as well as constants, in your mixed expressions.

  8. Wildcards

    In strings that are used as expected values, and in searches, the wildcard substring is used to represent any character or group of characters.

  9. Using wildcards

    Use a wildcard to allow a check action to match a range of dates.

  10. Summary: What you learned

    What you learned in this lesson: