User Case

In any test case, beside operation test steps, check points or verification points are one of the most important parts. Verification points, regardless of the automation tool, specify that certain actions have occurred intentionally or unintentionally, or verify the state of an object. Creating a verification point is capturing information about an object and verifying it against the baseline information during playback.


Pre-built check points:

TestArchitect includes about 70 prebuilt verification actions, which start with “check”. Those built-in assertion actions cover UI window/control existence, values, properties, states, clipboard actions, files, folders, processes, patterns, and pictures/image verification. To see the complete list of built-in checks, simply type “check” to column A of a Test Module or Action definition. The autocomplete dialog will display available check points.

User-defined check points:

From the 70+ built-in check points, a user can define check points that meet their business test requirements. For example, to verify if user logs in successfully, we check if the welcome control “Hi, John” and the Logout control shows up on the page by creating a user defined action called “check login successful”.

Steps to create new actions can be found at TestArchitect Help _ User Guide -> Actions -> High-level actions -> Creating new actions

Define the content of the user-defined action “check login successful” by combining built-in actions “check control exists” for control ‘welcome’ and ‘sign out’.

Once the user-defined action is created, it can be used in test modules, test cases, or other user-defined actions.