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discrepancy – in

It says that:
(Optional) Horizontal position of effective click on the picture, specified as distance in pixels from left edge of the active area. (Defaults to horizontal center of area.)
(Optional) Vertical position of effective click on the picture, specified as distance in pixels from top edge of the active area. (Defaults to vertical center of area.)
In reality the x is distance from the mid horizontal of the active area.
In reality the y is distance from the mid vertical of the active area.

See attachment: In line 89 of my TC 02 I had to do exactly this (y = -85)  I wanted to click “3D” in eSDO_Map_Projections_20170822000000.png so I had to calculate 5 x 17 (line hight) = -85 (from pictures centre)

I take a look at your screenshots. It much depends on how you defined object (picture) so it's hard to tell.

Back to your need, I guess you are trying to select an item in list. I think you can get it by using "select" built-in action

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