User Case

For user convenience, it’s possible to navigate between the test result and test cases, test steps, actions, and interface entities.


Test Architect supports many features which navigate between the test result and test cases, test steps, actions, and interface entities.


· Requirement:

User can open test module (a), test case (TC 01), action (start program) and interface (login).

· Verified point:

TC 01: start program, and login are opened after clicking on their names in the result.

· Description:

Result is shown as below:



1. Click on the name of test module, and verify the “a” test module is opened.


2. Select the “Results Detail” tab and click on the test case (TC 01), (start program) action, (login) interface on the result.




The TC01 is selected in the test module (a).



The “start program” action and “login” interface are opened and highlighted on the data tree.